Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hangover Help: Relief and Prevention Tips

You're quite wondering what it feels like to have hangover but you'll never know how hard to fight it unless when you have one. What is hangover? Hangover is the after-effects of drinking too much. Headache, nausea, diarrhea, lack of appetite, shakiness, feeling tired and an overall feeling of being unwell are the common symptoms of hangover that you might experience. Six factors that may induce hangovers are the direct effects of alcohol, chemicals resulting from alcohol being metabolized (metabolites), personal characteristics and other biologically-active chemicals found in alcoholic beverages.

As commonly known dehydration is the cause of hangovers but there is one more thing that causes notorious hangover headache and nastier effects of a hangover and that is congeners. Congeners gives the smell,flavor,appearance to alcohol which are toxic chemicals that are created during the alcohol fermintation process. So how do we avoid and cure hangover? This are some effective ways on how to avoid,combat and cure hangovers.

Before going out for a drink you should eat a good fatty meal and drink a glass of milk. Milk slows down the absorption of alcohol and protects the stomach while the fatty meal is effective in protecting your stomach to get irritated cause by alcohol due to it is digested slowly.

Hangover pills such as HANGOFF work by you simply taking them before you start drinking for the night. This will regulate the functions of digestive system and to protect your central nervous system from feeling its hazards.

Don't drink to excess.
While drinking it is best to alternate water and non-fizzy drinks with alcoholic ones to limit your alcohol intake. Avoid fizzy drinks due to they increase the amount of alcohol getting into your bloodstreams. Consume less than one drink per hour. The problem is that most people don't want to drink water while they are drinking alcohol because they want to get drunk.

Walking and getting some fresh air is a best way to reduce the effects of a hangover.

To combat dehydration before going to bed be sure to drink at least a glass of water or you should take a large glass of water to your room. A convenient alternative for water is orange juice or sports drink cause you need electrolytes, which will keep you hydrated.

In the morning have your self a big plate of breakfast that should help you feel better.Excessive alcohol consumption can drain your body of salt and sugar. Salty bacon, protein-packed eggs and granary bread are a good option for a hangover meal, accompany your fried breakfast with a large glass of orange juice.

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