Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tips On How To Gain Weight

The basic principle on how to gain weight is to take some extra calories in your body.

Being underweight are usually cause by improper diet where most people are not eating
enough protein, not stretching during their work out, lack of consistency or poor motivation.

Here's some basic how to gain weight information and things you should be doing to help you bulk up:

1. Eat frequently! – Arrange to have 3 large meals and 2-3 snacks every day.

2. Eat bigger than normal portions for your meals

3. Eat food with higher calories

4. Add healthy unsaturated fats such as olive and canola oil, nuts, seeds, peanut butter, avocados.

5. Eat diet food with high calories & proteins like eggs, fish, meat, veggies, milk, protein supplements, fruits- bananas etc.

6. Beverages can help you gain a weight too. Such as drinking milk, juice, drink shakes.

7. Increase your protein intake. Your body needs a lot of protein to build new muscle.

8. Do resistance training -- Weight training helps convert the extra calories into muscle. One of the best weight training exercises for building muscle mass are free weight exercises like squats, dead lifts, bench presses, barbell rows, pull ups and bar dips.

9. Consistency - You need to focus on your weight gain plan. Stay focused throughout the entire 12-week period. You have got to stick with your plan to gain weight.

10. Effective weight gain program can help you exceed your genetically predetermined weight.

Supplement is also important at gaining weight for you. If you can't afford too many products, just stick with the basics; like whey protein. If you can't afford whey protein the next best thing is egg whites.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Reduce anxiety & regain mental strength from NERVSHILED

Anxiety is a condition that affects all living beings. Anxiety is the cause of various mental, emotional or physical health problems that can affect our way of life.

So a general good health relies on a strong central nervous system. That is why NERVSHIELD is used with great success in eliminating any cause of form of anxiety that may ultimately affect your general health system.

Benefits of NERVSHIELD:

Relaxes the central nervous system
Enhances the ability to concentrate
Eliminates anxiety
Fast acting formula
100% safe supplement
No side effects

How does NERVSHIELD work?

NERVSHIELD works by eliminating anxiety and its damaging effects. It has the power to increase your level of concentration in key moments. Relaxing the central nervous system will help you to stay focused.

Herbal ingredients like Rauwolfia or Centella asiatica have been used for hundreds of years in the herbal medicine for curbing brain disorders. Now these plants are combined with numerous other ingredients in order to create a more powerful, long lasting effect.

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