Monday, November 3, 2008

Handling and Coping Stress Effectively

Not all stress is bad. Positive stress (eustress) is a motivator, challenging you to act in creative and resourceful ways. When changes and demands overwhelm you, negative stress (distress) sets in.

When stress strikes, hormones called cortisol and epinephrine together raise a person's blood pressure and circulating blood sugar level, and cortisol alone lowers the effectiveness of the immune system.Men also react under stress very differently to women. They are less likely to talk about how they feel and less likely to seek help from a doctor or anyone else. Men has difficultties admitting stress to themselves they tend not to show their emotion. Men do usually try to escape by drinking to excess, smoking too much, driving aggressively or resorting to violence in oreder to resolve their stress. The solution is not that easy in handling stress but somehow stress will be ligthen up if men are willing to acknowledge their stress. Expressing emotion by means of talking about it with friends or families is an effective way to deal with stress.

The signs of stress are classic: a stiff neck, headache, nagging backache, rapid breathing, sweaty palms or an upset stomach. You may become irritable or intolerant of even minor disturbances. You may lose your temper more often, find it hard to concentrate or feel jumpy and exhausted all the time.

Once you recognise stress, remedies for tackling it appear to work equally well for men and women. Useful therapies include

* talking to someone – whether a friend, partner or professional counsellor
* taking frequent breaks from work
* breathing or relaxation exercises
* making time for activities you enjoy
* regular exercise

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